Today is: Saturday July 27, 2024

This site contains information on measurement results of the Measurement Board Temperature at various locations on the board. The plots below were generated using GNU-Plot and the measurements were logged every 2 seconds for 1 hour 14 minutes and 24 seconds. This corresponds to approximately 2232 measurements. A map of the Temperature Sensor locations is provided below, and the scripts can be downloaded [here].
p342 board temperature sensor map

  • Temperature vs. Time
    Temperature Sensor 1 to 6 Readings;
  • Temperature Sensor #1 vs. Time
    Temperature Sensor #1 Readings;
  • Temperature Sensor #2 vs. Time
    Temperature Sensor #2 Readings;
  • Temperature Sensor #3 vs. Time
    Temperature Sensor #3 Readings;
  • Temperature Sensor #4 vs. Time
    Temperature Sensor #4 Readings;
  • Temperature Sensor #5 vs. Time
    Temperature Sensor #5 Readings;
  • Temperature Sensor #6 vs. Time
    Temperature Sensor #6 Readings;

Jeremy W. Webb
Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

Last Modified: Monday, March 27, 2017 10:18:41 PM