Today is: Saturday July 27, 2024

This site contains information on measurement results for the Anti-Alias Filter on the Measurement Board. The plots below were generated using GNU-Plot and the Two-Port S-Parameters extracted from the Agilent Technologies E8358A PNA (300kHz to 9GHz). The scripts can be downloaded [here].

  • Anti-Alias Filter Frequency Response
    Anti-Alias Filter Frequency Response; S21, S11, S22, S12
  • Anti-Alias Filter Frequency Response
    Anti-Alias Filter Frequency Response; S21
  • Anti-Alias Filter Frequency Response - Passband
    Anti-Alias Filter Frequency Response; Passband; S21

Jeremy W. Webb
Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

Last Modified: Monday, March 27, 2017 10:21:13 PM